Contact us

For any comments regarding a restaurant visit or a take-out or delivery order, please complete the satisfaction survey. The restaurant management will receive your message directly and will contact you as soon as possible.

Club Cage

Club cage icon

For questions about Club Cage, please visit the help centre. 

Club Cage help centre

Contact a restaurant

Restaurant icon

To reach a restaurant directly, see the list of restaurants. 

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Share your opinion


To send us your comments about your restaurant experience, please complete our satisfaction survey.

Satisfaction survey

Service center

Groupe Grandio
1180 Place Nobel, Suite 102,
Boucherville, Quebec J4B 5L2

Phone: (450) 641-3011

Toll free: 1 (800) 413-2243

General comments and queries
Club Cage help
Gift cards
Human resources
Sponsorships and corporate requests
Retail products
Interviews and media inquiries
Allergens and nutritional values
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